1. EAS Operating Handbook available? (§11.15)
This is a required document and is available from the following sources:
Call the EAS office at 202-418-1220 and request a copy
Write the EAS office at:
Federal Communications Commission
Compliance and Information Bureau
1919 M Street NW, Room 740
Washington, D.C. 20554
2. EAS Encoder/Decoder installed and operational? (§11.35)
EAS unit may be programmed to be in the fully manual or fully automatic mode or a combination of both modes
Unit should be programmed to transmit/send the Required Weekly Test (RWT), the Required Monthly Test (RMT) and the national level alerts (EAN, EAT) to all counties in your local operational area. This is especially important for the LP-1 and LP-2 in the local operational area.
3. EAS Decoder tuned to stations in accordance with local/state EAS plans? (§11.52)
Per FCC Rules, all broadcast stations are required to monitor 2 sources
The EAS unit must be able to receive a clear, strong signal or it will not activate
If you can not receive your assigned monitoring sources adequately, report this to your local and state chairperson, and request a change in your assignment.
4.Encoder timing tones 8-25 seconds in length? (§11.32)
In order to conserve air time, most station keep the tones set for 8 seconds.
5. Transmit Tests – Is Required Weekly Test, “RWT”, conducted weekly? (§11.61)
A week typically runs from Sunday to Saturday, but in any case it must be 7 consecutive calendar days.
All stations are required to send at least 1 RWT each week
The RWT may be aired on any day, and at any time, as long as the days and times are random. The RWT should be sent to all counties in your local operational area.
General Logging Information
Printouts form EAS units or program log sheets are not a log unless the entries are signed/initialed by the operator. In other words, all logs must be signed.
All logs must be reviewed weekly and signed by the chief operator. A review on Thursday is suggested, as this allows for the sending of tests if it has not been done.
There must be a written explanation in the log for any tests not received or sent. Station’s have an obligation to determine why a test was not sent or received.
The EAS printouts do not have to be kept if other logging is used, however stations may want to keep proof of the RWT and RMT.
All tests and alerts received from your 2 required sources must be logged.
1. Transmit Tests: Required Weekly Test , “RWT”, logged properly on station log? (§11.61)
Logging consists of a signed entry recording the date, time, and type of activation transmitted/sent.
If no test was sent, explain this omission.
2. Receive Tests: Is the Required Weekly Test, “RWT”, logged properly on station log? (§11.61)
Logging consists of a signed entry recording the date, time, and type of activation received.
If no test was received, explain this omission.
All tests and alerts received from your 2 required sources must be logged.
General Required Monthly Test Information:
The schedule for the RMT should be part of, or an appendix to your state plan
Usually the RMT is generated by the LP-1 in your local area.
In even numbered months, the RMT is conducted during the evening, (between local sunset and 8:30 a.m.)
In odd numbered months, the RMT is conducted during the day, (between 8:30 a.m. and local sunset.)
The RMT should be conducted during a full calendar week in the month, unless the State plan dictates otherwise. (This means it should not be aired on a day that part of the week is one month, and part of the week is in another month.)
1. Transmit Tests: Required Monthly Test, “RMT”, logged properly on station log? (§11.61)
Logging consists of a signed entry recording the date, time, and type of activation transmitted/sent.
If no test was sent, explain this omission.
2. Transmit Tests: Is the Required Monthly Test, “RMT”, conducted within 15 minutes of reception? (§11.61)
The RMT must be transmitted within 15 minutes receipt if it si for counties in your local operational area.
This may be done manually or automatically.
If the RMT received is from a different local operational area, it should not be retransmitted. The test should be logged, and a note included to explain why it was not retransmitted. (RMT not for our local area.)
The script of the RMT may not be changed. This script is part of the State plan, and must be aired as received. No station call letters should be in the message portion of the text. You are however allowed to have your own station personnel record the RMT script if you feel certain on air voices have a high recognition factor.
If a station is off the air when an RMT is received, they are required to air the RMT if they sign on while it is still valid (within the 15 minute window.) If sign on occurs after the RMT has expired, it does not have to aired, but your log should reflect why it was not aired. (Station off air during time RMT was valid.)
3. Receive Tests: Required Monthly Test, “RMT”, logged properly on station log? (§11.61)
Logging consists of a signed entry recording the date, time, and type of activation received.
If no RMT was received, explain this omission.
If RMT was not retransmitted, explain this in your log. (Not for our local operational area, station off air when RMT was received, etc.)
Does station have a copy of their local and state EAS Plan?
This not required by the FCC, but having it is a good idea. The state plan is available from the Colorado Broadcast Association or from Richard Bardsley at the State EOC. Local plans are available from your local coordinator.
What tests must I air for my area?
You must air the RWT, the RMT and any national level alerts. (header codes of EAN and EAT.)
What about all those weather alerts, must I air them?
You are not required to air any weather information, however in the interest of serving your listeners/viewers, you should provide them with emergency information. This may be done as an EAS alert, or as an on air message by station personnel. Airing of these alerts is at the discretion of management.
Special note to LP-1 and LP-2. If all stations in your local operational area can not receive the National Weather Service, your local EAS plan should address which weather service alerts stations want sent via the EAS. (Many area have agreed that these warnings should be sent via the EAS: flash flood, tornado, severe thunderstorm, and blizzard.)
Note: Typically, Class D Non-Commercial Educational FM Stations and LPTV Stations are only required to have EAS Decoders. These stations are not required to have EAS Encoders. Some exceptions may exist, see §11.51(e), §73.506 and §74.701(f) for further information.