Ross White


Ross White | VP, General Manager | KOAA-TV
Non-Metro Market Television Candidate


A passion for news led Ross to begin his career as a news photographer many years ago. His career path crossed from news into creative services, digital and sales. Ross has been the General Manager for KOAA-TV in Colorado Springs for the past three years. Prior to that, he served for five years as Director of Sales for KOAA.
Ross is proud to call Southern Colorado home. In addition to current service on the Colorado Broadcasters Association board, he also serves on the Mt. Carmel Veteran Service Center Board of Managers and the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region Board of Directors.

Outside of the office, you can find Ross on a mountain bike, a horse, really anything that gets him on a trail.


Reason for Running

The work the CBA undertakes on behalf of broadcasters helps to secure the future of our industries. I am honored to have served on the CBA board and will continue to advocate for Colorado broadcasters and our partners. My career has been focused on local journalism and I never lose site of the critical role we play in our communities. What we do matters to the audiences we serve. The CBA mission is to build a stronger broadcast industry. It is an honor to play a part in that mission and I look forward to representing you moving forward.

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